

Dumitrache, L., Stănculescu, E., Nae, M., Dumbrăveanu, D., Simion, G., Taloș, A. M., & Mareci, A. (2021). Post-Lockdown Effects on Students’ Mental Health in Romania: Perceived Stress, Missing Daily Social Interactions, and Boredom Proneness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(16), 8599.

Dumitrache, L., Nae, M., Simion, G., & Taloș, A.-M. (2020). Modelling Potential Geographical Access of the Population to Public Hospitals and Quality Health Care in Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(22), 8487.

Bogan, E. (2018). Promoting the Health and Social Inclusion of the Urban Population by endowing and improving the Quality of Leisure Facilities in the Parks in Bucharest. Quality-Access to Success Journal19(166), 80–86. Link

Bogan, E., Moldoveanu, E. A., Simon, T., Constantin (Oprea), D. M., Grigore, E., Chiurciu, I.-A., & Soare, E. (2018). The Quality of Sports Facilities and Their Importance in Support of a Healthy Lifestyle of the Urban Population – Case Study Bucharest. In K. S. Soliman (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32th International Business Information Management Association Conference (pp. 966–974). Link


Bogan, E., & Iamandei, I. M. (2021). The Valorization of the Romanian Wine Heritage. Case Study: The Oltenia Region. In “C.S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor” Institute for Research in Social Studies and Humanities Yearbook : Vol. XXII (pp. 257–272). Editura Academiei Române. Link

Bogan, E., Simon, T., & Cercleux, A.-L. (2021). A System of Values for the Identification and Ranking of the National Tourism Heritage in Romania. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie/Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series70(1), 53–70.

Taloș, A.-M., Lequeux-Dincă, A.-I., Preda, M., Surugiu, C., Mareci, A., & Vijulie, I. (2021). Silver Tourism and Recreational Activities as Possible Factors to Support Active Ageing and the Resilience of the Tourism Sector. Journal of Settlements and Spatial PlanningSI(8), 29–48.

Grigore, E., Constantin (Oprea), D. M., Bogan, E., Cristea, M.-A., & Tatu, F. (2020). The Thermo-Hygrometric Index on the Territory of the Southern Dobrogea Plateau – A Component of the Balneoclimateric Treatment. Present Environment and Sustainable Development14(1).

Roangheș-Mureanu, A.-M., & Oglindoiu, A. M. (2020). The Role of Tourism in the Structural Dynamics of an Economic Profile. Case Study: Băile Olănești Resort. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie/Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series69(1), 231–247.

Bogan, E., Udrea, C., & Grigore, E. (2019). The Impact of Tourism Development on the Natural and Anthropic Environment of the Sinaia Resort. Quality – Access to Success Journal20(S2), 102–110. Link

Bogan, E., Cercleux, L., & Constantin (Oprea), D. (2019). The Role of Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism in Developing and Promoting the Urban Tourism in Bucharest. Quality – Access to Success Journal20(S2), 94–101. Link

Bogan, E., Frenț, C., Simon, T., Constantin (Oprea), D. M., Grigore, E., Roangheș-Mureanu, A.-M., Tatu, F., & Chiurciu, I.-A. (2019). Senior Tourism and Quality of Life among Romanian Seniors. In K. S. Soliman (Ed.), Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference (pp. 9110–9118). Link

Roangheș-Mureanu, A.-M., & Oglindoiu, A. M. (2019). The Dynamics of Tourism in Băile Govora Resort. Analele Universitatii Bucuresti: Geografie/Annals of the University of Bucharest – Geography Series68(1), 113–123.

Bogan, E., Moldoveanu, E. A., & Iamandei, M. I. (2018). The Perspectives of Sports Tourism Development in Bucharest, Romania. Quality – Access to Success Journal19(S1), 92–100. Link

Simon, T., Bogan, E., Frenț, C., & Barbu, M. (2018). Social Tourism for Children and Young Pupils, in Romania. International Journal of Academic Research in Environment and Geography5(1), 14–29. Link


Preda, M., Mareci, A., Tudoricu, A., Taloș, A.-M., Bogan, E., Lequeux-Dincă, A. I., & Vijulie, I. (2020). Defining the Concept of Family through the Lens of Fertile-Aged Women in Bucharest, Romania – between Traditionalism and Inclusion. Sustainability12(7), 2691.

Cercleux, L., Merciu, C., Bogan, E., & Merciu, G. (2019). Demographic Transformations after 1990 in Romanian Small And Medium-Sized Industrial Towns. Analele Universității București: Geografie68, 165–180. Link

Matei, E., Saghin, D., Dumitrache, L., & Nae, M. (2018). Multidimensional Approach on Sustainability of Ageing in Romanian Residential Care Centres for Elders. Sustainability10(9), 3336.

Oglindoiu, M. A., Carablaisă, S. G., & Roangheș-Mureanu, A.-M. (2018). Current Changes in the Population Structure of Drobeta Turnu Severin. Analele Universitãții Bucuresti, Geografie. Link

Spatial planning

Cercleux, A.-L., Merciu, F.-C., Bogan, E., & Manea, C.-A. (2021). Creativity Including Technology in Boosting Social Innovation in a Small Post-Socialist Industrial Town: Fieni (Romania). Proceedings of the 7thInternational Scientific Conference Geobalcanica, 227–236.

Vijulie, I., Lequeux-Dincă, A.-I., Preda, M., Mareci, A., Matei, E., Cuculici, R., & Taloș, A.-M. (2021). Certeze Village: The Dilemma of Traditional vs. Post-Modern Architecture in Țara Oașului, Romania. Sustainability,13(20), 11180.

Nae, Dumitrache, Suditu, & Matei. (2019). Housing Activism Initiatives and Land-Use Conflicts: Pathways for Participatory Planning and Urban Sustainable Development in Bucharest City, Romania. Sustainability11(22), 6211.

Cercleux, L., Merciu, C., Bogan, E., Florea-Saghin, I., & Paraschiv, M. (2018). Industrial Restructuring in Small and Medium Sized Towns from Romania – Evolution Background and Positive Perspectives with Challenges. Analele Universităţii Din Oradea, Seria Geografie2, 197–209. Link

Other topics

Constantin (Oprea), D., Marinică I., Marinică A.F., Grigore, E., Bogan, E., & Tatu, F. (2020). The Climate Variability of the Agricultural Year 2016- 2017. Case Study: the South-West Oltenia Region, Romania. Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development20(3), 169–178. Link

Manea, G., Taloș Ana-Maria, Vijulie Iuliana, Preda Mihaela, Mareci Alina, Cuculici Roxana, & Cocoș Octavian. (2020). Assessing the Attitude and Behaviour Regarding the Disposal of Expired or Unused Medicines. Case Study: Bucharest, Romania. Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography14(2).

Vijulie, I., Preda, M., Lequeux-Dincă, A. I., Cuculici, R., Matei, E., Mareci, A., Manea, G., & Tudoricu, A. (2019). Economic Productivity vs. Ecological Protection in Danube Floodplain. Case Study: Danube’s Sector between Olt and Vedea. Sustainability11(22), 6391.

Books and students guide

Bogan, E., Simon, T., & Cândea, M. (2021). Patrimoniul turistic al României. Editura Universitară.

Oglindoiu, M., & Carablaisă, S. (2021). Ghid pentru aplicația practică de teren Defileul Dunării-Valea Cernei. Editura Profin.

Oglindoiu, M. (2020a). Comuna Pădina, județul Mehedinți. Populație și așezări umane. Editura Aius.

Oglindoiu, M. (2020b). Geografia populației. Caiet de lucrări practice. Editura Aius.

Bogan, E. (2019). Turism urban. Editura Universitară. Link

Bogan, E., & Simon, T. (2019). Turism rural. Editura Universitară. Link

Oglindoiu, M. (2019a). Ghid pentru aplicația științifică și metodologică. Drobeta Turnu Severin. Editura Aius.

Oglindoiu, M. (2019b). Ghid pentru aplicația științifică și metodologică. Podișul Getic-Subcarpații Getici- Carpații Meridionali. Editura Aius.

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