
The Research Centre on Geodemographic and Territorial Analysis (RCGTA) was established in 2006, within the Department of Human and Economic Geography at University of Bucharest. It is an academic structure created to carry out theoretically and empirically oriented research,  aimed at understanding how social practices and relations are conditioned by space and place.

The core of its academic interest lays on the interactions between society and the environment, underpinning some of the challenging issues facing human society.

RCGTA is a medium-sized team of geographers, with an active institutional research culture. Its aim is designed to encourage and allow researchers at all stages of their career – undergraduates, postgraduates and academic staff – to deliver research in the field of Human Geography. Research activity is organized into four main ‘pillars of interest’ according to the skills and areas of expertise of its members.

RCGTA through the work of its members, brings together topics to shape a critical perspective on theories, methodologies, analysis and their application as concepts. We seek to create new knowledge on space-humans-society and push the boundaries on risk and resilience – formulating a response to the needs of policymakers.

Research at RCGTA tackles global and specific issues that add value to the knowledge. It helps the wide public or local communities to understand better and find solutions for a variety of aspects; helps to influence policy and practice; and stimulates creative possibilities by exploring and understanding identity, cultures and society.

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